


An Unwound Clockwork tells the story of a civilization out of time:

Humans are at the height of their work. Their wealth and economy depend on the endless consumption of a miraculous ore to keep the machines running. The physical work is done by robots, the creation, who dig the material from mines deep below the city. When one of the robots discovers a glowing crystal, he is spellbound by its radiant beauty. Emotions, that showing a malfunction he developed causing him to gain consciousness of beauty amidst darkness, and the worlds rythm breaks its stride...

Meanwhile, the opposing protagonist, a human clerk, receives a machine report including concerning forecasts about the future of his world. But he finds himself unable to face this fate, directing his consciousness back to productivity. As the story unfolds, the destinies of the two opposing protagonists get inextricably linked to each other.

It's a story about ambition and greed, awareness and ignorance, feeling and function and the consequences of one's own actions.

Characters & Props

The Project

An unwound clockwork is a stopmotion-animation film in a steampunk aesthetic of about 30 minutes length.

It was started back in 2013 by Valentin Felder and a friend when they were both still at school and continued part-time throughout the years.

The progress of the work was continuously documented in various behind the scene images and videos to keep supporters updated. The Project was furthermore presented at several steampunk festivals where it grew a larger audience.

Valentin, the main creator of the film now tries to focus on this project as a main job, to bring it to the finish line, while being a part-time-student

Behind the Scenes


When will it be finished?

We plan to complete it within 3 years, this would be the best case scenario. But considering it took 8 years to shoot two thirds of the movie, it might take longer, depending on additional funding.

How long will the movie be?

Round about 30 minutes.

What languages is it going to be in?

The original language is German, but it will be translated to English. You can find the project under the german Title "Das Getriebe im Sand" as well here:

How many people are working on it?

The main work and responsibility lays in the hands of Valentin Felder. But a team of Supporters is contributing their various unique skills and expertise to enrich the project.

Can I buy merchandise?

Yes. You can find merchandise and some of my other works in my new Onlineshop:

What is your background?

The filmmakings skills are self-taught, including photography, lighting, set and characterdesign and manufacturing, rigging, stopmotion-animation, and compositing. He is also a computer science student part time.

What are the rewards for supporting?

All donators will be named in the credits of the final film. Paypal-supporters receive a greeting-postcard, Patreon-supporters can choose between special awards and merchandise like miniature probs, additional behind the scenes material and more.

Are there other ways to support the Project?

Besides material support, sharing the project and following the process is by itself already extremely important and keeps the motivation going throughout all the years. We are also open for sponsorings of phsysical goods like equipment, tools and other building materials.

Why don't you do crowdfunding?

The project was already kicked off with a small crowdfunding on in 2013 which payed for basic technical equipment. Over time it became visible, that the project relies on longterm processes rather than shortterm goals. Financing through concepts like Patreon fits more to the projects development itself, where the making of is as important as the finished product and can support the creator in the long run.

How was the project financed till now?

Before 2021, the project could mostly be self funded, as the creator was able to work on it part time to his university studies.

Do you do commissions?

Yes, as long as separate commissions don't interfere with work on the film. Valentin can be contacted for commissioned work for custom stopmotion-armatures and other miniature mechanisms like props or jewelry.



Director, Producer, Script, Set- and Character Design, Animator, and Compositing: Valentin Felder

Second Producer: Johann Frank

Script, Concept Art, Animator: Josua Bauer

Additional Animator: Albert Radl

Lead Composer: Michael Klubertanz

Set Painting, additional Prop Design, Counselor: Laura Rohrbeck

Additional Composer, Foley, Miniatures: Maurice Trentzsch

Special Sound Artist: Caspar Coppelius

Graphic Design & Illustration: Tobias Lammers

Additional Compositing: Inka Hilsenbek

Additional VFX Artist: Torben Trommer

Puppetmaker: Ulrich Jakob

Costume Tailors: Zoe and Zaelea Nolte, Liane Pförtner

Guest Animator: Ed Jackson

Web Design: Markus Forster


Alex Peh, Andrew Brimson, Angelika Dufft, Anja Bagus, Anke Rüppel, bbsheps, Benjamin Kleiner, Beat Felder, Carlos Dias, Christopher Borecky, Clara, Cora Blümm, Cora Ginzel, Daniel Christ, Daniel Danzer, Daniel Frysinger, dash films, Dietmar Haucke, Elli Jäger, Eric Starmer, Falk Tschirschnitz, Felix, Franzi Böhm, Gerd Schelbert, Greg Olijnyk, Günni, Heiko Willer, Hermann Ziege, Hiload, Ilka Möller ✝ & Malte Girnus, James Carson, Jan Rummert, JennyBee, Jerom Meier, Jeroth Diggeden, Joes Verweyen, John Fitzsimons, John Webb, Jonas, Kai Kunze, Katja Jordan, Kenn Norman, Kevin J-Side, Knut, Lars Tunçay, Lax Lakes, Lewin Hodgman, Lili Design, Lokomofeilov, Lutz Apelt, Maitland, Marc Ittel, Maren Fuhrmann, Mark Behm, Markus, Martin Melzer, Matthias Ihmig, Meridilanio, Michelle Lopardi, Milan Volkmar, Miroslav, Miss Chivious, Nils Aufschlaeger, Oliver Stadler, Patrick Seemann, Phil Caithness, Philipp Dostal, Rahel, Robin KC, Rüdiger Gies, Sabine Herbst, Sakkiko, Schoch Anita, Scott Ferril, Sebastian Middeke, Silke, Solluh, Stephan Reichardt, Steve Hubbard, Steve Mills, Tania, task2crow, Tedi Lombardo, Thomas Freitag, Thomas Meissner, Thomas & Jenni Wendel, tillofix, Vanessa Schwedat, William Wilbur, Yvonne Mosel.


Adam Brown, Ailin Donati, Alexandra Polochowitz, Alfons Rode, András Pozsgai, Andre Collier, Anja Koebel, Anna Ziolkowski, Anne Sommer, Barbara Brodt, Beat Felder, Beate Fremdling, Bernd Grüner, Bettina Kerth, Brian Thomas Peers, Bronwyn Hopwood, Bruce & Meredith Fontaine, Christian Dr. Müller-Osten, Christian Kahlert, Christian Stähr, Christoph Abels, Claudia Brabetz, Daisuke Tsujimoto, Dagmar Wesenberg, David Luftig, David Molnar, Dieter Dostal, Emily Myers, Emmanuel Pelz, Esther Trumpp, Eva-Maria Nieberle, Eveline Hartl, Fabian Busse, Fritz & Marion Eckert, Gerald Schröder, Germano Wallmann, Grant Pichla, Hans Burghardt, Harald Kötz, Heiko Noack, Helga Siebenmorgen, Ilka Möller ✝ & Malte Girnus, Iris Schummer, Ivan Strahinic, Jennifer Ertel, Jens Behn, Jens-Peter Beygang, Jochen Grün, Johann Frank, Johanna Freese, Jörg Büttner, Kay Dombrowsky, Katharina Hullmann, Katharina Bröker, Kathrin & Karsten Bechstein, Kathy Bertrand, Katja Broeg, Katja Jordan, Klaus Stock, Laure Giacobino, Leonardo Gabriel Velasco Ochoa, Lukas Artmann, Lukas Moersler, Lydia Lafforgue, M. Schneider, "Magic Creams" Nick Durrer, Maik Vettermann, Malte Nowatzki, Marco Wilms, Maren Fuhrmann, Maria & Dirk Marx, Maria Plontasch, Maria Stammwitz, Mariano Rosabal Obando, Mario Föhner, Marius Rehm, Martin Bühlmann-Waller, Martin "Sim" Welter, Matthias Knäpper, Melanie Kautzmann, Michael Corbach, Michael Gloeckner, Michael Joswig, Michael Morin, Michael Pescht, Michael Wagner, Miriam Horst, Miroslav, Mitchell Manners, Nadine Reuter, Nancy Pennell, Nicola Rohrbeck, Norbert Hartl, Olga Potchernina, Pascal Förtsch, Paul Caspar, Peter Lehrach, Quirin Brunner, Ralf Höreth, Reinhardt Kampmann, Robin Seywald, Ronny Vogel, Sabine Schmitt, Sandra Kreutz, Sandra Walther, Scott Ferril, Silvia & Armin Fankhauser, Sönke Schmidt, Sophie Marie Broß, Sunni Fritz, Sven Winkler, Swen Jamrich, Sylvia Dreier, Therese Schreiber, Thomas Kunath, Thomas Perkins, Tierfreund Community, Tobias Langohr, Tom Hübner, Ursula Mintzlaff, Valber Michel Silva de Souza, Valentin Frunkte, Vanessa Thiede, Volker Weinzheimer, Waltraud Rohde, Wulf Arp, Yve Trentzsch.

Startnext 2013

Alexander Klein, Alfrida von Ehrental, André Fuhrmann, Andre Skora, Andreas, Hartmann, Anne-Katrin Pache, Armin Riedel, Babs Huber, Beat Felder, Bodo Bauer, Boris Bernhard, Cordula Hege, Daniel Danzer, Dunja Bauer, Edith Felder, Eva Jung, Gerhard Junker, Gina Bauer, Harald Mueller, Herbert Mose, Janine Hoffmann, Johann Frank, Katja Jordan, Manfred Kraut, Marco Ansing, Markus Borck, Marlon, Böttger, Michael Dietrich, Michael Kling, Mira Pepper, Philipp Dostal, Philipp Marquardt, Pritha Warnat, Rosanna Schmidt, Sabine Friedrich, Stephan Scholdra, Thomas Holzapfel, Wolfgang Weiß.

Special Thanks

Aeon Junophor, Dunja Bauer, Daniel Danzer, Eduard Puertas, Elise & Dieter Dostal, Felicius Exelsberger, Gerd Schelbert, Ingo der Winterberger, Jacob Phillip, Jakob Bauer, Johanna Asche, Katja Jordan, Kurt & Susanna Felder, Martin "Sim" Welter, Nicola & Dirk Rohrbeck, Nicole Sippel, Regina & Dieter Rohrbeck, Robert Linke, Ute Schade.


German Webpage: